

  • 2019-05-24
  • 34

來源:微彈簧圈MCS       發布時間:2017.05.02


背 景 Background
      微螺旋彈簧(Micro-coil Spring,MCS)封裝技術因應復雜、惡劣使用環境運而生。彈簧結構不僅繼承了CCGA的優異表現,更能夠承受更大的應力,以確保連接機構的穩定性,從而獲得更長的使用壽命,未來將在航天航空、軍事上發揮重要的作用。
       Micro-coil Spring (MCS) package emerges at the right moment for temperature extremes, thermal cycling and vibration. Helical spring structure not only inherit the performance advantages of other CCGA, but also bear great stress so as to ensure the integrity of the solder connection and function, and greatly extend the service life of components. Micro-coil Spring will play an impaortant rule in aerospace and military filed.
構 造 圖 Structure
      Micro-coil  spring is consist of helical spring and solder coating.Ontology helical spring is made of beryllium copper alloy.
有限元模擬 Finite Element Simulation
Failure is likely to occur in the coil windings rather than at the solder fillet.
失效模式 Failure Modes
MCS package has two main failure modes, as are shown.
規格與型號 Specifications